Pravo na grad i održivi razvoj

Pravo na grad i održivi razvoj

Sep 19 2023

Urbane sredine diljem svijeta suočavaju se s izazovima rasta i razvoja koji postavljaju pitanja o pristupu resursima, pravdi i održivosti. Ovaj rad…

Prvo predavanje u  okviru Erasmus+ Projekta Spatial Justice

Prvo predavanje u okviru Erasmus+ Projekta Spatial Justice

Sep 06 2023

U prvom predavanju koje vam predstavljamo u okviru Erasmus+ Projekta Spatial Justice, govori bečka arhitektica Bahanur Nasya o uticaju gustine naseljenosti na…

Watch series of films -young people at Spatial Justice web-page

Watch series of films -young people at Spatial Justice web-page

Aug 31 2023

In our Spatial Justice web-page you can watch series of films -young people, storytelling and showing approachable examples of key elements of…

Spatial Justice – Erasmus Project: the Bulletin #3

Spatial Justice – Erasmus Project: the Bulletin #3

Aug 29 2023

All the activities in the project Spatial Justice – Spatial Justice – Erasmus + find in the Bulletin #3. Klick HERE to…

Second issue of the GETA Project Bulletin

Second issue of the GETA Project Bulletin

Aug 23 2023

We present to you the second issue of the GETA Project Bulletin. The GETA project seeks to support the energy transition in…

REIC presented Project GETA

REIC presented Project GETA

Aug 23 2023

On August 15th 2023, Regional Education and Information Centre – REIC had an opportunity to present the #projectGETA to the participants of…

„18th International Summer School“ Empowers Sustainable Energy Transition

„18th International Summer School“ Empowers Sustainable Energy Transition

Aug 09 2023

The 18th International Summer School on “Advanced Planning of Affordable, Secure, and Sustainable Energy” is set to take place from August 10th…

<strong>Projekat Održivost planinarskog doma “Prijatelj prirode”</strong>

Projekat Održivost planinarskog doma “Prijatelj prirode”

Jul 31 2023

Projekat provodi Regionalni centar za obrazovanje i informisanje iz održivog razvoja za Jugoistočnu Evropu – REIC a podržan je od strane fondacije…

Project GETA partners created the Research Report

Project GETA partners created the Research Report

Jul 07 2023

Project GETA partners created the Research Report in order to provide a better understanding and context of energy poverty situation in some…

Project Spatial Justice concept “Right to the City in the Context of Sustainable Development” presented

Project Spatial Justice concept “Right to the City in the Context of Sustainable Development” presented

Jun 16 2023

4th Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development was held in Sarajevo on June 15th, in the organization of The Association of…